Those Pesky Ants
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Those Pesky Ants

Growing up, I lived in a sprawling farmhouse in the country. This beautiful home was constantly filled with the sounds of laughter and the smells of delectable food being prepared in the kitchen. Unfortunately, our home was often invaded by some unwanted guests, ants. Pesky ants would welcome themselves into our living room, kitchen, dining room, bedrooms, and bathrooms. One night, I crawled into my bed only to discover I wasn’t alone. Ants had somehow climbed onto my bed! These destructive ants even ate holes in some of the clothing hanging in my closet. Is your home filled with unwanted, biting ants? On this blog, you will discover the latest methods pest control specialists use to rid homes of pesky ants.


Those Pesky Ants

  • Managing Wasps Both Outside And Inside Your Home

    22 March 2021

    Wasps are unwelcome guests in most homes and for good reason. No one wants these insects and their painful stingers nearby. Common Exterior Nesting Sites When it comes to nesting on the exterior of your home, most wasp varieties are drawn to the protected areas such as under roof eaves or porch awnings. These locations allow for ease of exiting and entering, while still providing protection from both the weather and possible predators.